30' Platform, with 20' battery container and 10' PCS section.
Microgrid capable with full 4 - quadrant kVAR control PCS.
Grid catching capability (UPS) with <80 miillisecond response time
Will allow peak shaving when electric grid is stable, while also maintaining capacity for resiliency during brown or black outs.
The platform BESS solution comes pre-integrated and pre-commissioned before leaving the factory and has the option of pylon mounting. This offers easy site preparation, faster installation, and reduced costs.
Cell Specs
Cell Configuration: 16S
Charge Temperature Range: -20°C - 65°C
Discharge Temperature Range -35°C - 65°C
Optimal Discharge Temp.Range: 15°C - 35°C
Storage Temperature Range: -5°C - 35°C (Max 6 months)